Storm and Flood Industry Recovery Program for NSW Dairy

The Storm and Flood Industry Recovery Program (SFIRP) will address the long-term recovery and resilience position of the NSW dairy industry following the recent widespread storm and flood events

The Storm and Flood Industry Recovery Program (SFIRP) will address the long-term recovery and resilience position of the NSW dairy industry following the recent widespread storm and flood events. This Program is led by NSW DPI and Dairy NSW over the next two years, alongside several delivery partners. There are three programs:

  • Better response and short-term recovery (led by NSW DPI)

  • Better Preparedness, lower risk, and higher resilience in dairy (led by NSW DPI)

  • Supporting industry development in dairy (led by Dairy NSW)

Within the three programs are 12 projects aiming to collectively support greater dairy industry sustainability in the face of ongoing climate challenges and promote true industry-wide collaboration throughout NSW.  

We are conducting several research case studies and invite you to participate in these.

Upcoming project activities are seeking interested NSW dairy farmers who had farms impacted by recent storm, flood, and wet weather events and: 

  • Are willing to share their direct experiences, challenges and/or successes during the response and recovery period (project let by NSW DPI)
  • Are interested in tailored business support for future disaster preparedness and wish to review structures to mitigate risks for future extreme events (project led by Scibus)

By participating you will have the opportunity to share your experiences to help improve industry emergency coordination and better support farmer emergency response to future natural disaster events. There is also opportunity for some farms to receive individual support to better prepare the business for future climate risks. 

Are you interested to find out more? Register your interest in one or more activities within this Program. Your time is greatly appreciated.

Alternatively, please contact Tori Alexander (NSW DPI Project Officer Dairy) to find out more and register your interest. Phone: 0457 271 830 / Email:


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