March 2024 Snapshot Article Dairy NSW Survey

Your Voice Shapes the Future of Dairy NSW: We want to hear from you!

As we near the start of the financial year 2024/2025, Dairy NSW is poised to embark on a journey of adaptation and growth. Central to this endeavour is the active involvement of our dairy farming community. 


We recognize that your experiences, insights, and needs are integral to shaping the programs and services we offer. Therefore, we extend an invitation for you to participate in this pivotal process.


Why Your Input Matters

The New South Wales dairy industry is renowned for its strength in the face of challenges and its ability to seize opportunities. However, to continue this legacy, we must adapt and evolve with changing times. Your firsthand experiences as dairy farmers provide invaluable guidance in understanding the nuances of these challenges and opportunities.


How to Participate

Participation couldn't be simpler, click here to share your insights via this 5-minute survey. Your contribution holds immense significance in our planning.


By investing just five minutes of your time in completing our survey, you contribute directly to the development of extension services and programs tailored to address the specific needs of our community. Your input will shape the roadmap for Dairy NSW in the upcoming financial year, ensuring that our efforts align closely with the realities faced by dairy farmers across NSW.


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