NSW Farmers - Dairy Australia Competitiveness Workshop


Wednesday, 6th November 2024

10:00AM - 2:00PM
121 Wingham Rd
Australia See map
Admit One / $0.00 AUD per person

On behalf of Dairy Australia, NSW Farmers is facilitating a workshop to bring together dairy industry stakeholders, as part of the Dairy Competitiveness Project, which formed from the Dairy Symposium held in March 2024. Some further details about the project are below:

Project goal

For Industry and Government to develop a better understanding and of the drivers of productivity, competitiveness, and value creation for a profitable and sustainable Australian dairy industry.

Project objectives

Explore the drivers of Australian dairy industry productivity, competitiveness, and value creation at a national and regional level and provide recommendations on how industry and government can partner together to ensure that the industry improves its competitive positioning. This should clearly articulate views and recommendations on the role for industry and role for government and where these intersect, and potential steps forward.

We would like to invite you to attend the workshop being held in NSW, on November 6th, 10am to 2pm, at Club Taree (Grevillea Room).

If you could please RSVP here by next Friday 25th October, that would be greatly appreciated (please also let me know any dietary requirements). An information pack will be sent out approximately a week prior to the workshop.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Georgia Campbell (campbellg@nswfarmers.org.au) or Ash Cooper (coopera@nswfarmers.org.au)

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