Collaboration Partners

Dairy Australia collaborates with a range of Australian and international partners to deliver innovation and value to Australian dairy farmers. 

Who we work with 

We work with partners including universities, the Commonwealth and state governments, Research Development and Extension (RD&E) organisations, agricultural industry agencies, commercial agricultural companies, non-government organisations and cooperative research centres on projects and activities to inform policy decisions in all regions.

DairyBio and DairyFeedbase 

DairyBio and DairyFeedbase are long-term, joint initiatives of the Dairy Australia, Gardiner Foundation and Agriculture Victoria. These initiatives use science, research and technology to advance herd and forage genetics, and improve animal health and farm management practices.


DataGene is an initiative of Dairy Australia and the dairy industry that is focused on improving herd development through genetics, as well as farm profitability through data-driven decision making and tools.

Gardiner Foundation 

Dairy Australia’s partnership with the Gardiner Foundation also includes other programs designed to enhance farm business management, including Our Farm, Our Plan which helps farmers identify long-term goals, improve business performance and manage volatility. 


DairyUP has a focus on harnessing the potential of dairy farms by developing new markets, reducing risk, and increasing productivity and profitability. While this research and development program is based in New South Wales, the outcomes have national relevance. To deliver DairyUP, we partner with the New South Wales Department of Primary Industries, the University of Sydney and Scibus. 

Agriculture and research organisations 

We collaborate with the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture, the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Grains Research and Development Corporation, Meat & Livestock Australia, Australian Wool Innovation and AgriFutures Australia on a range of feedbase and animal nutrition projects including the National Pasture Genebank.


growAG is an innovation gateway to Australia’s agrifood innovation system. It is a collaboration between the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry and the 15 Rural Research and Development Corporations, and showcases world-leading agricultural research, unique technologies, and commercialisation opportunities in one location.

Dairy Sustainability Framework 

The global Dairy Sustainability Framework (DSF) provides a global framework for sustainability and collects data on progress against 11 identified elements. The Australian Dairy Sustainability Framework aligns with the global framework. Dairy Australia is a member of the DSF and reports on progress on behalf of the dairy industry. Dairy Australia’s Managing Director is also a governor of the DSF. 

Global Dairy Platform 

The Global Dairy Platform’s (GDP) members include dairy companies, associations, scientific bodies, and other partners who collaborate pre-competitively to lead and build evidence on dairy’s role in the diet and show the sector’s commitment to responsible food production. As a member of the GDP we collaborate on human nutrition work and promote the value of dairy foods. 

View more information about our partnerships and projects below. 

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