Murray Dairy would like to thank the following sponsors for their support for the YDN Dairy Development program: Gardiner Dairy Foundation; Pioneer Seeds (Gold Sponsors); Bega Group; Noumi; ProviCo Rural; Riverina Fresh (Silver Sponsors); Genetics Australia; STgenetics Australia; Rex James Stockfeed; Phibro Animal Health Corporation; Reid Stockfeeds; Rochester Veterinary Practice; Eagle Direct; Kyvalley Dairy Group, and Hunters (Bronze Sponsors).
Follow along with the journey and hear from the program participants, below!
Day 1
The Murray Dairy YDN USA study tour is underway with participants flying into San Francisco this morning and spending the day exploring the city, before setting off to start farm visits tomorrow

Day 2
Summary prepared by Tour participants Hannah Kerrins, Jamie Collins, Nick Minogue and Andrew Rushton.

Day 3
Today our YDN group visited a family owned almond farm and processor, Travaille and Phippen, as well as a research farm facility looking at innovative irrigation systems. We ended our day meeting local young farmer from the region.
Day 4
Our first visit was to Erin and Trevor Nutcher from Hidden Valley Dairy who run a 2100 cow dairy on around 600 acres, in a fully housed barn system. We had a tour of their 35 double up rapid exit dairy, 8 barns, commodity and waste management areas, and they shared with us their succession journey- undertaking a partnership with Trevor’s parents. A factor in their successful transition has been ensuring Trevor’s other siblings are considered in a fair manner.
It was great to see such a large herd meet reproductive and milk targets due to good management and a well organised team.
One of their biggest factors in ensuring the farms production success has been to maximise cow comfort and welfare - a lot of expense has gone into installing fans, sprinklers, larger stalls, and upgraded barns.
Our second stop was to Hilmar Cheese Company, Inc., one of the largest cheese processors in the world, using 500 000 litres of milk daily to produce wholesale cheeses for a variety of companies. This company was initially formed by a group of 12 dairy farmers, and carried in through succession to the next generation. We had a chat with one of the company owners Vance Ahlem, who gave us great insight to the business and difficulties facing agribusinesses in California- including many regulating bodies, prohibitive costs and water issues. Vance is still a dairy farmer, milking 2000 cows in 32 Lely robots. He has seen great benefits in automating his system, including ceasing his herd synchronisation program, reduced hoof treatments, reduced labour by 50% and increased profit per litre. Permanent staff were retained and upskilled.
Future plans for the cheese company include building a new plant in Kansas, and research and development into potential use of plant based proteins, and even cellular products.
Today we got a great insight into what larger scale barn operations look like in California, and what difficulties farmers and processors face in this country
Thanks to participants Ebony Mull, Tom Hay, Tim Murray and Amy Perry for putting together todays day summary
Day 5
Today the group had a wonderful experience visiting Yosemite National Park. They experienced the wonderful diverse landscape, including the flora and fauna native to this region. There was much excitement to see squirrels and Deers in their natural habitat. We were disappointed not to see any bears though. Lots of snow melting created incredible water flows to observe with the group hiking 12km. A snow fight for some to finish the day off perfectly.
Day 6
Today the group is on the move and flying to chicago to start the next leg of our tour through Wisconsin and Indiana. Afternoon of sight seeing before heading out on farms again tomorrow
Day 7
Today we got to explore the 450 head STgenetics bull farm at Fond du Lac. Rodger Breunig walked us through all aspects of the process from bull rearing and milking, to the lab, to distribution. It was extremely interesting to learn about the cutting edge technology being developed by the company and all that goes into the finished product we’re familiar with on farm.
Day 8
Today we had the privilege of visiting Rosy-Lane Holsteins LLC. Originally a family owned business, but neither of their daughters wanting to come home to the farm, they have designed a business structure where partners can join in shares to pass on the wealth with out selling the farm. Interesting farm business, with registered cows and no use of antibiotics in milking herd, we all took away some inspiration from the Holterman family.