Reporting to Members

Dairy Australia reports to its members and stakeholders through a range of channels.

Annual General Meeting

Dairy Australia reports on its financial and investment performance each year to members and stakeholders at an Annual General Meeting (AGM), typically held in November. At this meeting, the Dairy Australia Managing Director and Chairman discuss:

  • Achievements for the reporting year

  • Where Dairy Australia is heading over the next one to five years

  • How it will manage the challenges that will shape the industry's future

Dairy Australia members can ask the Board questions after the formal business of the meeting. A Notice-of-Meeting is sent to all members in mid October to invite them to the AGM and inform them of the formal business that will be conducted at the meeting, such as:

  • The directors retiring or re-standing for election

  • Information about the nominated candidates

  • Resolutions that need to be voted on

Annual Report

Dairy Australia records its performance in its Annual Report, which can be downloaded below. The Annual Report is sent to the Australian Government and members who request a copy.

Other communication

In addition to digital resources available through the Dairy Australia and other websites, Dairy Australia produces a wide range of publications and resources that communicate the priorities of the organisation as well as outcomes of individual investments. Printed publications can be accessed through the dairy publications section.


For further information all members have access to our free Memberline 1800 004 377. If you’re a levy payer, you can call this number to become a Group A member of Dairy Australia.

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