DairyBase Tools & Resources

DairyBase user guides and FAQs

The DairyBase user guides and frequently asked questions are designed to provide an explanation of DairyBase and the share authority system.

If you require further assistance after reviewing the DairyBase user guides and FAQs, contact the DairyBase team at dairybasesupport@dairyaustralia.com.au or on 1800 548 073.

  • DairyBase Expert User GuidePDF842.07 KB
  • DairyBase Short User GuidePDF1.07 MB
  • DairyBase Data Sharing SystemPDF331.41 KB
  • DairyBase QAPDF817.67 KB

DairyBase input checklist and sheets

The DairyBase input checklist and sheets have been developed to help collect the information needed to create a new dataset in DairyBase.

  • DairyBase Blank Input SheetsPDF50.85 KB
  • DairyBase Input ChecklistPDF543.98 KB

Dairy Farm Business Analysis fact sheets

These Dairy Farm Business Analysis fact sheets have been developed to assist in understanding the calculations and terminology used in the DairyBase reports.

  • Dairy Farm Business Analysis factsheets updatedPDF1.27 MB

DairyBase supporting videos

This video animation shows how to break down business costs for an efficient Cost of Production (COP).
Gain an understanding on how the matching principle works and how to apply it to a business.
Answers to questions on building and managing a successful dairy business.
In this video, dairy industry consultant John Mulvany explains a resilient farm business as a balanced tower. The blocks of the tower are some key performance measures – both physical and financial.

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